Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tale of the Invisble Woman.

Here is a little situation I want to share. I play Dungeons and Dragons every weekend ( I know its uber-geeky but no worse than a blog). There is a woman who used to play with our group for a few years ago. For the last 4 months she has been say that she wants to start playing again every other weekend. We are not starting on Month five. She has made it exactly ZERO times. She keeps claiming that she has all these emergencies that keep coming up. Its either something medical or something do due with her kids. I myself think its her husband who keeps think thinking up the excuses. I would just like to say she is not longer welcome. Its take a lot of preparation to get ready to run the game. Its not fair to whom ever is running the game that week, they have to change everything so that its an appropriate challenge for the group playing. I think its just rather rude of her to keep doing. She ought to just give up the pretense and say her husband won't let her. In fact no one that plays thinks she is ever gonna show. I don't either, but its getting rather irritating. Well thats it.......Now go do something worthwhile.

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