Friday, August 29, 2008

Wondering about some Ebay Buyers

I've sold a few things on ebay over the last 5 years and have encountered the same question several times by buyers that seem to not get the point of ebay. About 5 years ago I was selling a some books on audio cassette, they were out of print and I no longer had a tape player. One person emailed me and wanted me to cancel the auction so he could buy it for $30. His reason was that he REALLY REALLY wanted them, and he couldn't afford to get in a bidding war. The whole point of ebay is to make as much money as you can. If I wanted to sell em cheap I could have sold them at a garage sale for a couple of bucks. I ended up making around $400 on the set of tapes. Who knew one could make that much money on some abridged audio editions of the Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends trilogies. What I wanna know is if anyone has actually decided to be a moron and take less money.

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