Sunday, December 28, 2008

What I got for xmas

Well Happy Holidays. Figure its time to tell what I got from the fat man.

Bones TV series season 1 2 and 3
The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray
Wall-E on Blu-Ray

The Devils Eye by Jack McDevitt

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hooray Me

Time for some shameless patting myself on the back.

I got my grades today.

4 Classes

4  A's



Friday, December 12, 2008

People with to much time on their hands.

Why can't people just mind their own damn business. There is a group in Madison WI called the Freedom From Religion Foundation(A group of atheists that spends all their time thinking about stuff they don't believe in). They have recently just filed a lawsuit against the town I live in because they have a nativity scene among the giant Jack in the Boxs and Santas down by the river. As an atheist myself I have no problem with that stuff being up and on display. Why some one should give even a second thought over what specific mythical decoration is on display is beyond me. If they object to a manger scene then they should also be against the Santa, he is mythical and also has many followers. Jesus has Angels promises a reward for "good behavior. Santa has Elves and also promises that if your good you get a reward. Heck I will celebrate any holiday that gives me time extra days off and the possibility of some free food and drink. They atheist that spend all their time trying to erase all mention of what ever religion they find distasteful must be pretty obsessed. I spend almost no time thinking about it. Only when crap like this come up do I give it a second thought. Just let them have their fun it not actually hurting anyone. Just one more case my theory that If everyone would just mind their own damn business the world would be a happier place. So endith the rant.

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas.   Not a whole lot going on besides studying for finals.  I had my 1st one today.  I seemed to go well.    I will be done with the semester on Tuesday at noon.   I am looking forward to the time off.    Well its my turn to run D&D again.   Gonna need to TPK them all so that they are all at the same level.   Or at least just kill off Bloodhawk that character is such a big wuss.    Well bye for now

Friday, November 7, 2008

Fallout 3

Well just a quick not this time.   I got Fallout 3 last week and its really fun.    Wandering about a post apocalyptic wasteland killing and looting.   My trusty sidekicks are a War robot names RL-3 that thinks hes still in the  US army and that I am his commander.   The new guy is a dog named Dogmeat that follows me around and likes to bite stuff.    If you liked the other fallout games get this one.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Education Update

Due do me finding out that I actually like the classes and that I am doing way better than expected, I changed over to Programmer Analyst. I also managed to get nominated and ended up winning the AITP clubs election for student senate representative.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me.

Well this day is going pretty good.   My test in programming logic was much easier than expected.  I got a birthday card from my brother and his wife with $40.  I got the Centennial dvd, a couple of 4th Edition D&D books.  I also got an unexpected dvd as a joke gift from my mom.    She remembered me commenting that I had never seen a particular disney movie when its add was on TV.   So I am now the proud owner of a blu-ray copy if Sleeping Beauty.   I think she just wants to watch it so she purchased it gave it to me.    She is so effing funny.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Birthday is Tomorrow

Well tomorrow is my 38th birthday.   I was just thinking about the fact that I can remember a time when I looked forward to it.  Except for my parents taking me out for dinner its going to be pretty dull.   Where did the time go and when did I get so damn boring.  I can remember going out to bars on my birthdays when I was in my 20's.   Heavy drinking, hitting on anything cute in a skirt,  or after enough vodka anything in a skirt.   Hell my parents asked me what I wanted as a gift and I really had to think about it.   I ended up telling them to get me the dvd of the old mini-series Centennial.  Come to think of it even xmas isn't nearly the fun it was as a kid.   The only holiday it really like any more is Halloween.   I do like answering the door for the Trick or Treaters and giving out the candy.   The last couple of years I have given out full size Hershey bars.    We get a lot of kids, usually between 150 and 200. 

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

D&D Hostage Situation

I played in a D&D Living Forgotten Realms game last weekend. I don't think as a group we got the idea of being a "hero". The characters were given a writ by the king that allowed us to arrest, judge and execute anyone we saw fit in the course of the investigation. Needless to say we abused the authority. To top it off when we did figure out where the the evil guys were going to hold the dark ritual and sacrifice our plan was a bit shady. They approached the temple and we told them to halt. When they wouldn't leave we shot the kid that was going to be the sacrifice. Our thinking was that if the kids dead they can't sacrifice him to the evil god. I'm counting it as a win.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Cable networks that have gone off the reservation

Certain cable TV stations have been bugging me lately. There is an increasing number of them that no longer show what they are named after.

The biggest offender is The Sci-Fi network. Crappy made for TV horror and fantasy movies are not science fiction. ECW wrestling is not science fiction, it is fiction but nothing more. Ghosthunters (both original recipe and international) and what ever show they have on after it are at best fringe science, but what they really are is a reality show that follows a bunch of people around in the dark. So they should either change the name of the channel or start showing some Scifi.

Discovery Channel: They still have some good programs but why in chaos do they have to show Deadliest Catch everyday for several hours in a row. Oh look we discovered seafood. Dirty Jobs at least does new jobs every show. Man vs Wild just plain sucks hes not in danger that he hasn't chosen to be in, plus he has a camera crew.

The History Channel - The majority of its programs cover stuff thats pretty recent. Ice Road Trucker will be history in a few years but right now its just a normal reality show that was filmed the previous winter. They will cover historical events if a big movie comes out. Then they will have several programs that while they are history are just on the air to shill for movie.
History International its sister station seems to have gotten all of the history.

The Learning Channel or TLC: Not much learning going on. American Chopper, a show about a dwarf family, a Tattoo shop, a show about a family with 8 kids, and some fashion show with a woman and a gay man that tell people that their clothes suck.

Court TV used to bug me the same way but at least they changed their name to True Tv so they will be forgiven for their sins.

G4 when they gobbled up TechTV I don't think anyone believed that the the Tech was going to survive at leasts the dropped the Tech TV part. The only thing they have going for them is the geeks dream girl Morgan Webb. Now they just focus on Video games, entertainment news, Cops reruns, and a couple of Japanese game shows.

I'm just waiting for one of the chick channels (Oxygen, Lifetime or WE) to start showing monster truck rallies and professional wrestling.

I just wish there was room on cable for for topical channels that you can depend on if you want your fix of a certain genre of entertainment. Its like going to an icecream parlor and finding out that they only serve ice cream a few days a week and only at certain times.

Monday, September 15, 2008

School is good so far.

Well school is going well so far. I don't regret quiting my old job I was really getting to hate getting up in the mornings. After the last job performance review and crappy raise. I started doing the numbers and figured out that I could afford to do it. I'm sleeping better and seem to be in a much better mood. The whole blog thing still seems like a pretty big waste time especially when no one seems to be reading it or even commenting on it. One last thing I did take the picture on the top of the blog.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

TV shows and hot women.

I've been thinking and I realized that a lot of the TV shows or movies I like are because of the Actresses
Veronica Mars : Kristen Bell
Angel: Charisma Carpenter and Amy Acker
Buffy The Vampire Slayer: Alyson Hannigan
Charmed: All three of the Leads
How I Met Your Mother: Alyson H. yet again.
Return of the Living Dead III: Melinda Clarke

I also seem to have every movie with Reese Witherspoon in it. I also seem to have lots of movies with Natalie Portman. I even have the DVD of Where The Heart Is.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tale of the Invisble Woman.

Here is a little situation I want to share. I play Dungeons and Dragons every weekend ( I know its uber-geeky but no worse than a blog). There is a woman who used to play with our group for a few years ago. For the last 4 months she has been say that she wants to start playing again every other weekend. We are not starting on Month five. She has made it exactly ZERO times. She keeps claiming that she has all these emergencies that keep coming up. Its either something medical or something do due with her kids. I myself think its her husband who keeps think thinking up the excuses. I would just like to say she is not longer welcome. Its take a lot of preparation to get ready to run the game. Its not fair to whom ever is running the game that week, they have to change everything so that its an appropriate challenge for the group playing. I think its just rather rude of her to keep doing. She ought to just give up the pretense and say her husband won't let her. In fact no one that plays thinks she is ever gonna show. I don't either, but its getting rather irritating. Well thats it.......Now go do something worthwhile.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Wondering about some Ebay Buyers

I've sold a few things on ebay over the last 5 years and have encountered the same question several times by buyers that seem to not get the point of ebay. About 5 years ago I was selling a some books on audio cassette, they were out of print and I no longer had a tape player. One person emailed me and wanted me to cancel the auction so he could buy it for $30. His reason was that he REALLY REALLY wanted them, and he couldn't afford to get in a bidding war. The whole point of ebay is to make as much money as you can. If I wanted to sell em cheap I could have sold them at a garage sale for a couple of bucks. I ended up making around $400 on the set of tapes. Who knew one could make that much money on some abridged audio editions of the Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends trilogies. What I wanna know is if anyone has actually decided to be a moron and take less money.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New law that could reduce the national debt.

I just thought a good way to reduce the federal debt would be to pass a new tax law that would require any one who votes for a democrat to not get tax refund. But it seems like they always want to raise taxes on others people. If they want the government to have more money they should pay for it themselves. I'm not sure though if a law is necessary. They should have already been doing it voluntarily.

The First Post I was FORCED to do.

Well I am in a network fundamentals class and was told to make a blog. Well this is it. Maybe I will actually add something worthwhile later. But Blogs are pretty much a waste of bandwidth.