Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Birthday is Tomorrow

Well tomorrow is my 38th birthday.   I was just thinking about the fact that I can remember a time when I looked forward to it.  Except for my parents taking me out for dinner its going to be pretty dull.   Where did the time go and when did I get so damn boring.  I can remember going out to bars on my birthdays when I was in my 20's.   Heavy drinking, hitting on anything cute in a skirt,  or after enough vodka anything in a skirt.   Hell my parents asked me what I wanted as a gift and I really had to think about it.   I ended up telling them to get me the dvd of the old mini-series Centennial.  Come to think of it even xmas isn't nearly the fun it was as a kid.   The only holiday it really like any more is Halloween.   I do like answering the door for the Trick or Treaters and giving out the candy.   The last couple of years I have given out full size Hershey bars.    We get a lot of kids, usually between 150 and 200. 

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