Friday, August 29, 2008

Wondering about some Ebay Buyers

I've sold a few things on ebay over the last 5 years and have encountered the same question several times by buyers that seem to not get the point of ebay. About 5 years ago I was selling a some books on audio cassette, they were out of print and I no longer had a tape player. One person emailed me and wanted me to cancel the auction so he could buy it for $30. His reason was that he REALLY REALLY wanted them, and he couldn't afford to get in a bidding war. The whole point of ebay is to make as much money as you can. If I wanted to sell em cheap I could have sold them at a garage sale for a couple of bucks. I ended up making around $400 on the set of tapes. Who knew one could make that much money on some abridged audio editions of the Dragonlance Chronicles and Legends trilogies. What I wanna know is if anyone has actually decided to be a moron and take less money.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

New law that could reduce the national debt.

I just thought a good way to reduce the federal debt would be to pass a new tax law that would require any one who votes for a democrat to not get tax refund. But it seems like they always want to raise taxes on others people. If they want the government to have more money they should pay for it themselves. I'm not sure though if a law is necessary. They should have already been doing it voluntarily.

The First Post I was FORCED to do.

Well I am in a network fundamentals class and was told to make a blog. Well this is it. Maybe I will actually add something worthwhile later. But Blogs are pretty much a waste of bandwidth.