Sunday, August 16, 2009

Microsoft Can go to Hell.

My Xbox 360 just died for the 2nd time with the same error code. It is out of warranty. I could buy a used one for the price they want to charge me. So to avoid throwing good money after bad I have traded in all my xbox and xbox 360 stuff and bought a Wii. Guess what, this is a lot more fun even though the games are simpler and the graphics are not as good.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wow, I wonder if some had to remind her to breath.

This woman should have her picture in the dictionary next to the word stupid.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Getting Rid of 2 trees in My parents back yard.

I helped to remove two ash trees last week. One was 63 feet tall and a trunk of 24.5 inches in diameter. The other was 65 feet tall and had a trunk diameter of 27.75 inches.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Friday, April 10, 2009

Observe and Report

Well I just got back from seeing the movie Observer and Report.  It was an okay movie nothing special.  Pretty typical of the movies Seth Rogen has been in.     I will warn you that there is a disturbing amount of male nudity.    The plot centers around a mall cop(Seth Rogen) trying to catch a flasher.    I guess the movie makers wanted to flash the audience because you get the full monty. What really sucks is that there is no female nudity in it to balance things out.      I feel so violated.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

World Community Grid

Just wanted to plug good cause. For the cost of some electricity you can let your computer do some good for the planet. The World Community Grid is an organization supported by IBM. The current projects are involved in improving the quality of rice as a food sourc,cancer research, and sevee It uses the time your computer  would be idle to allow research to be done that would normally take a supercomputer to do. It does this by assigning small piece of a large problem to many computers. The work ends up being as much more quickly than would otherwise be possible. SETI@Home and  Folding@Home are probably two of the more widely known projects of this type. Folding at home can even use your PS3.

Friday, February 27, 2009

I think I have a new favorite weird video.

Its pretty dark actually and not for kids. There is a bit of bad language in the middle.

I think it captures creepy better than a lot of movies do.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Niece

This is a picture of my niece Julia.  She appears to be "chillin" in the crib.    My brother says he did not pose her.  She is about 3 weeks old in this picture.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

This is a slide show of my entire collection of cthulhu related art

Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Short Slide Show

Just some pictures I took.  The bugs were taken at my house, the others at Wildwood Park in Marshfield WI

Friday, January 9, 2009

More Good News

Just got a letter today from school. I made the Dean's List with my 4.0 GPA


I'm an Uncle

Well just wanted to announce that I am now an Uncle. Julia was born on January 3rd 2009. She was 7 weeks early so shes gonna be in the Neonatal unit till at least the middle of February. Shes doing well other wise.