Sunday, December 28, 2008

What I got for xmas

Well Happy Holidays. Figure its time to tell what I got from the fat man.

Bones TV series season 1 2 and 3
The Dark Knight on Blu-Ray
Wall-E on Blu-Ray

The Devils Eye by Jack McDevitt

Monday, December 22, 2008

Hooray Me

Time for some shameless patting myself on the back.

I got my grades today.

4 Classes

4  A's



Friday, December 12, 2008

People with to much time on their hands.

Why can't people just mind their own damn business. There is a group in Madison WI called the Freedom From Religion Foundation(A group of atheists that spends all their time thinking about stuff they don't believe in). They have recently just filed a lawsuit against the town I live in because they have a nativity scene among the giant Jack in the Boxs and Santas down by the river. As an atheist myself I have no problem with that stuff being up and on display. Why some one should give even a second thought over what specific mythical decoration is on display is beyond me. If they object to a manger scene then they should also be against the Santa, he is mythical and also has many followers. Jesus has Angels promises a reward for "good behavior. Santa has Elves and also promises that if your good you get a reward. Heck I will celebrate any holiday that gives me time extra days off and the possibility of some free food and drink. They atheist that spend all their time trying to erase all mention of what ever religion they find distasteful must be pretty obsessed. I spend almost no time thinking about it. Only when crap like this come up do I give it a second thought. Just let them have their fun it not actually hurting anyone. Just one more case my theory that If everyone would just mind their own damn business the world would be a happier place. So endith the rant.

Merry Christmas

Just wanted to wish everyone a merry christmas.   Not a whole lot going on besides studying for finals.  I had my 1st one today.  I seemed to go well.    I will be done with the semester on Tuesday at noon.   I am looking forward to the time off.    Well its my turn to run D&D again.   Gonna need to TPK them all so that they are all at the same level.   Or at least just kill off Bloodhawk that character is such a big wuss.    Well bye for now