Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Education Update

Due do me finding out that I actually like the classes and that I am doing way better than expected, I changed over to Programmer Analyst. I also managed to get nominated and ended up winning the AITP clubs election for student senate representative.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me.

Well this day is going pretty good.   My test in programming logic was much easier than expected.  I got a birthday card from my brother and his wife with $40.  I got the Centennial dvd, a couple of 4th Edition D&D books.  I also got an unexpected dvd as a joke gift from my mom.    She remembered me commenting that I had never seen a particular disney movie when its add was on TV.   So I am now the proud owner of a blu-ray copy if Sleeping Beauty.   I think she just wants to watch it so she purchased it gave it to me.    She is so effing funny.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Birthday is Tomorrow

Well tomorrow is my 38th birthday.   I was just thinking about the fact that I can remember a time when I looked forward to it.  Except for my parents taking me out for dinner its going to be pretty dull.   Where did the time go and when did I get so damn boring.  I can remember going out to bars on my birthdays when I was in my 20's.   Heavy drinking, hitting on anything cute in a skirt,  or after enough vodka anything in a skirt.   Hell my parents asked me what I wanted as a gift and I really had to think about it.   I ended up telling them to get me the dvd of the old mini-series Centennial.  Come to think of it even xmas isn't nearly the fun it was as a kid.   The only holiday it really like any more is Halloween.   I do like answering the door for the Trick or Treaters and giving out the candy.   The last couple of years I have given out full size Hershey bars.    We get a lot of kids, usually between 150 and 200.